Monday, October 27, 2008

Late Night Listening with Altered Frequency

Here's some news from the music front.

Pretty much the whole Four Forty Records crew had a late night listening session over at Nick Lee's studio till 2am and I am just thrilled that Altered Frequency is finishing up their album Transit after 3 years of delays and lotsa challenges. The real challenge starts now in marketing the album and getting the songs out on radio plus we gotta figure out how to fund music videos too.

It's gonna be a big year for the band and I am really lovin' the songs after last night's listening. Lots of potential singles and it's great stuff. AF fans will be wowed by what they are gonna be hearing. Trust me. I'm not just saying that because I'm part of the record label. Juwita agrees too! Right Ju?

In the meantime Liang's got a brand new video out for the track "Giggles". Check it out on YouTube and tell us what you think.

I knooooooooow ... since starting work I've been very silent about music and all but I wanna try to change things and balance things out even more. Music is very much in my heart and I doubt it'd go away. Been learning a lot about focus especially in the past few months and I hope to do better in discerning what to do and what not to do; the bottom line is that it's a choice and I can't do everything in the world. Duh ... shouldn't I have figured that out a long time ago?

Next up is our website which has been sitting there doing nothing for the past 2 years ... sigh ... and here I am a web professional. Sucks right? There's just so much to do for 440 and there's so few of us but if all of us pitch in I'm sure we'll get somewhere. Lotsa blessing from God would totally help too!

Pray for us. Or better yet pick up our CDs!

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