Sunday, April 26, 2009

FFXIII and More ...

Lightning - The Heroine in the Upcoming Final Fantasy

I have to admit there's nothing much to play on the PS3 right now. In terms of RPGs there's practically zilch in the market. But I guess being older now & more responsible there's tonnes to do elsewhere in my life (have I grown up?).

There's church & cell. There's learning more about God and my faith. Work. And of course the relationships and friendships in my life. Life is full but there are days ... but that's another story-lah.

I just spent an hour or so watching a play through of the Final Fantasy XIII demo that just got released as part of the Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children Complete Blu-Ray disc. The game looks really good visually but gameplay-wise it looks very much like any RPG that Square has released in the past but being a Final Fantasy fan I'm probably gonna get it anyways. The franchise is one of the reasons why I picked up a PS3 in the first place (and Metal Gear Solid 4 too!).

The Titular White Knight in White Knight Chronicles

Sadly, the RPG landscape is bleak on Sony's platform ... sigh. White Knight Chronicles is the only epic title that's close to release. Thankfully I have Disgaea 3: Absence of Justice to fill the gap for now. I have a host of backlogged games on the Wii too actually and I guess it's time I spend some time on them to relax some on the weekends.

Disgaea 3: Absence of Justice

Honestly I don't feel that compelled to play too much video games. People-time and listening to sermons seem to have more appeal to me these days. I'm especially ministered by Ps Edmund Chan's sermons of late (am listening to a series on 1 Corinthians right now) and am learning to see the bigger picture of God in the Bible. Plus I need to go through the Gospels to discover something really important that is key to resolving some of the questions that I have about my faith.

So much to do ... and I guess video games are just another part of life that make me me. The question remains though ... what is important in life? The stuff that is on God's heart or the many other different things in life? That's something to think more about isn't it? There's still so much to learn about faith and it does get very challenging at time. I guess this is what it means to work out my faith (does anyone know where it says this in the Bible?).

Till next time. Vaya con dios amigos!