Saturday, March 22, 2008

Tony DiTerlizzi

Oh my!

Tony DiTerlizzi is one of my favourite fantasy illustrators. I have quite a few 3rd Edition D&D manuals that I bought 4 or 5 years ago that have quite a fair bit of his artwork in there. I love great art and DiTerlizzi's style is phenomenal. There's a magical & whimsical quality to his pieces and it's a shame that I had almost forgotten about him till I watched the credits at the end of "The Spiderwick Chronicles" last night.

Deep in thought ...

I did not know that DiTerlizzi was the creator of "The Spiderwick Chronicles" but once I found out that he was involved in the movie; that explained why I loved the creature designs. I'm definitely gonna pick up the books now because I'm such a big fan of his illustrations. The story in the movie was pretty good too and I've always been fascinated by faeries and such (the result of too much Enid Blyton as a child maybe).

A warrior in repose

For more DiTerlizzi goodness check out his official website here. One of the wallpapers adorns my iBook desktop now. Nice! I'm sure we'll be hearing more about Tony DiTerlizzi as they make more movies out of his books. Way to go Mr. DiTerlizzi!

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